Friday, May 17, 2024



1. 常规健康检查:常规健康检查是保持整体健康的基础,通过身体检查、血液检测、影像学检查等手段,早期发现并预防潜在的健康问题。
2. 备孕健康检查:备孕健康检查旨在优化女性在怀孕前的身体状态,包括评估生殖健康、遗传咨询、营养与生活方式建议等,以确保孕育过程的顺利进行。
3. 孕期各阶段健康检查:孕期健康检查覆盖整个孕期,从初期的妊娠确认和基础评估,到中期的胎儿发育监测和糖尿病筛查,再到晚期的临产准备和风险评估,确保母婴在每一阶段的安全与健康。
1. 以患者为中心:设计一个舒适、私密的环境,减少孕妇在检查过程中的焦虑和不适。
2. 功能分区明确:合理规划等候区、检查室、诊断室等功能区,提高工作效率,优化患者流动。
3. 技术集成与创新:引入先进的医疗技术,如电子健康记录系统、远程医疗平台和智能诊断设备,提升检查的准确性和便捷性。
4. 卫生与安全保障:严格遵守卫生标准,采用易清洁的材料和设备,防控感染风险。
5. 环境可持续性:使用环保材料和节能技术,创建绿色医疗空间。
1. 体格检查:
生命体征监测: 包括测量血压、心率和体温。定期监测有助于检测高血压、心律失常和发热。
身体质量指数(Body Mass Index,BMI): 基于身高和体重计算,用于评估健康体重。
2. 血液检查:
全血细胞计数(Complete Blood Count,CBC): 测量红细胞和白细胞、血红蛋白和血小板,以检测贫血、感染和血液疾病。
血脂谱: 测试胆固醇水平(高密度脂蛋白 HDL、低密度脂蛋白 LDL)和甘油三酯,以评估心血管健康。
血糖: 测量空腹血糖水平,以筛查糖尿病。
肝功能检查(Liver Function Tests,LFT): 通过测量血液中的酶和蛋白质评估肝脏健康。
肾功能检查(Kidney Function Tests,KFT): 包括血清肌酐和血尿素氮(Blood Urea Nitrogen,BUN)测试,以评估肾脏健康。
甲状腺功能检查: 测量甲状腺激素(促甲状腺激素 TSH、三碘甲腺原氨酸 T3、甲状腺素 T4)水平,以检测甲状腺疾病。
3. 尿液分析:
常规尿液检测: 通过分析尿液的外观、浓度和成分,检测泌尿道感染、肾病和代谢疾病。
4. 影像学检查:
胸部X光: 评估肺、心脏和胸壁,以检测肺炎、结核病和心脏肥大等疾病。
超声波: 用于腹部扫描,检查肝脏、胆囊和肾脏等器官的问题。
5. 癌症筛查:
巴氏涂片: 筛查女性宫颈癌。
乳房X光检查: 检测乳腺癌。
结肠镜检查: 筛查结直肠癌。
6. 免疫接种:
疫苗接种更新: 确保疫苗接种是最新的,特别是针对可能影响母婴健康的可预防疾病。
7. 生活方式咨询:
饮食和营养建议: 提供保持均衡饮食和健康饮食习惯的指导。
运动建议: 制定个性化的运动计划以维持身体健康。
戒烟和减少酒精摄入: 提供戒烟和减少酒精摄入的项目。
8. 心理健康评估:
抑郁和焦虑筛查: 识别心理健康问题的迹象,并提供必要的支持或转诊。
1. 电子健康记录(Electronic Health Records,EHR):
集中化数据管理: EHR系统简化了患者数据的收集、存储和检索,确保医疗记录的全面性和最新性。
互操作性: 使得不同医疗提供者之间的信息共享变得无缝,改善了护理协调和连续性。
2. 可穿戴设备:
连续监测: 智能手表等设备跟踪心率、活动水平和睡眠模式,提供实时健康评估数据。
患者参与: 鼓励患者主动监测自己的健康,并坚持健康的生活方式。
3. 远程医疗:
远程咨询: 通过虚拟咨询减少了实体就诊的需求,特别是在例行随访和生活方式咨询方面,改善了护理的可及性。
移动健康应用: 像HealthHub这样的应用提供健康记录访问、预约安排、用药提醒和健康提示,增强了患者的参与和自我管理。
4. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)和机器学习:
预测分析: AI算法分析患者数据,预测健康风险并推荐预防措施。
自动诊断: AI工具辅助解读医学影像、血液测试和其他诊断结果,提高了准确性和效率。
5. 智能诊所:
集成系统: 配备智能技术的诊所提供简化的服务,包括自动登记、数字自助登记终端和患者流动的实时跟踪。
增强的患者体验: 电子排队管理和个性化健康信息终端等功能改善了整体患者体验。
6. 移动健康(Mobile Health,mHealth)平台:
远程监测: 通过连接设备连续监测慢性病,允许及时干预。
健康教育: 为患者提供教育资源,促进明智决策和自我护理实践。

目的: 讨论成为孕妇的意图,回顾医疗和家族史。
医疗史审查: 医生收集有关过去疾病、手术或正在进行的治疗的信息。
家族史: 讨论可能影响未来怀孕的家族遗传病状或孕期并发症。
目的: 评估整体健康状况和孕前准备。
体格检查: 检查身体各系统,确保没有未处理的健康问题。
血压检查: 高血压可能影响怀孕,因此必须控制好。
体重检查: 健康的体重可以改善怀孕结果和生育力。
目的: 确保没有可能影响怀孕的潜在健康问题。
全血细胞计数(CBC): 检查贫血和其他血液病状。
血型和Rh因子: 防止输血期间的并发症很重要。
风疹免疫力: 确认免疫力,因为风疹可导致严重的出生缺陷。
水痘免疫力: 同样,确保母亲有免疫力,因为水痘在怀孕期间可能会很严重。
目的: 预防可能对母亲和婴儿有害的感染。
流感疫苗: 推荐给孕妇,因为孕妇感染流感后可能出现严重病情。
百日咳(百白破)疫苗: 帮助保护新生儿在出生后几个月免受百日咳的侵害。
目的: 减少婴儿神经管缺陷如脊柱裂的风险。
叶酸补充: 关于孕前和孕期叶酸摄取的剂量和持续时间的指导。
目的: 识别和修改可能影响怀孕和胎儿发展的生活方式因素。
营养: 提供有关孕期平衡饮食和必需营养素的建议。
运动: 关于保持健康和控制体重的安全体育活动的推荐。
吸烟和饮酒: 讨论戒烟和戒酒,因为这些都可能对胎儿发展产生负面影响。
用药评估: 评估现有药物对怀孕的潜在风险。
超声波 (Ultrasound):孕初期进行的超声波检查,可以评估胎儿的发育状况和孕周。超声波能帮助医生观察子宫和胎儿的情况,包括胎儿的生长、位置以及一些先天性的问题。
血液测试 (Blood Test):
序列筛查产检 (Sequential Screening):
无创产前检测(NIPT) (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing):
绒毛膜取样(CVS) (Chorionic Villus Sampling):
脐带穿刺和脐带一站式诊断(OSCAR) (One-Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk):
羊水穿刺 (Amniocentesis):
详细超声检查 (Detailed Ultrasound Examination):
口腔粘膜检测渗透试验 (Oral Mucosal Transudation Test):
胎心和多普勒检查产检 (Fetal Heart and Doppler Ultrasound Screening):
B超羊膜囊检测试验 (B Ultrasound Amniotic Fluid Examination):

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


When I started to call monitor lizard as dragon, it sound so cool. 'I am going to hunt down dragon'. No I mean shoot them with camera and study them. I am intrigue by their features and their size. I am amazed when I first saw one descending head down vertically along the Tembusu tree trunk. I search the web for their information but I did not see any anatomy drawing on the monitor lizards that are common to this part of the world. I had seen many of them at the Macritchie Reservoir park. We use to chase them around the park in mid-afternoon as they would ascend from the reservoir to take a rest from the heat, I supposed. The maximum we sighted were six in a single afternoon.
I did not have the opportunity to see them up close nor see them many time larger than their actual size. For the sake of understanding them, we made several trips to the botanic garden to track them down and observe their habit and behaviour. It was fun and exhilerating.

As we had expected, animal stay around their territory and would not wander too far away. We spotted three to four dragons (Varanus Salvator) As one ran into the bushes and we later found three of them within the wrought iron fences. One of them looked smaller than the other two. I supposed the smaller one could be their children.

Monitor Lizard Varanus Salvator
Monitor Lizard looking for prey.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Possible Animal to have in the Organic Farm

Photography by Choo Meng Foo & Zhu Shengyiyu • Text by Choo Meng Foo

The one animal that is commonly found in the tropics is the monitor lizard. They are carnivorous I suppose and they are always foraging for other smaller animals, insects or arthropods. They are a common sight in places with water and abundance of other animals. They are also common in places where there are dumps. Somehow, they are scavenger too. They could swim and walk on land; they are very versatile. They live quite happily with turtles and larger fishes. They could grow to slightly more than one metres long.

Some possible animal to consider

  1. Monitor Lizard
  2. Bird – Pigeon, White-breasted Water Hen, Mandarin Duck, Spotted Dove
  3. Frog – American Bull Frog (Not a good thing) 
  4. Dragonflies

Monitor Lizard as Pet

  3.  – A general description of the Reptile. A good Start.

The genus we photograph is possibly the Varanus Salvator or the Asian Water Monitor Lizard.

They come up on land whenever the weather is hot, especially during the mid-afternoon sun. They use to be a delicacy for the Chinese who are adventurous.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Yoga as a way of living

Yoga is not about exercises, especially most would be familiar with the Yoga posture, but it is about a way of living and achieving oneness with the greater being of the self. Achieving knowledge and spiritual well being is an important part of our being. Of course we do not despise the material and privilege the immaterial, nor the spiritual. The spiritual dwells in the material and the mundane. It is through the mundane that we learn to see its necessity and the futility of life. On meditating on its emptiness we see the wondrous landscape of this journey of life. Life is that journey we take and there is nothing else beyond. No matter how much we desire the desirable, all desires and the desired, the acquired shall perish in the instance of unconsciousness. Nature and yoga shall within the holistic living arena, provide us an answer to our existence and a way of life.

Here is the book,

Friday, March 20, 2015

Animal are a necessity for Organic farm

When I asked the organic farmers how did they get rid of the pest. Some answered that they do not use insecticide and have to wash the insects off the leaf with water or removed them by hand. Another, said that they can use organic insecticide, such as a mixture of chilli powder and other herbs. I did see that taxi driver in Singapore uses Padang leaves to ward off cockroaches.
Perhaps there are better ways, as nature always kept the balance with another animal checking on one another.
The monitor lizard and the anteater, do helps to keep small animal and insects in check. ( Here a monitor lizard climb up one of the oldest tree in the Singapore botanical garden. They seems to be tame and they are quite a common sight in the garden. I suppose we can keep some of these in the organic farm too. As they are carnivorous an should not disturb the herb or the vegetable. Will have to study that. One should imagine the Organic farm as an organic garden instead, with animal and nature living in a symbiosis manner.

Monitor Lizard as Pest Control

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Finishing

We explored the way to add some flat colours to the pieces. It was a way to see if there is a fun way to add some colours using photoshop. He started the colour first and I made some simple adjustment to the colouring.
Here are some of the completed pieces.


A visit to the Farm. Amazing!
119 Neo Tiew Lane 1

We learned a lot about planting and using the plant as herbs to cure common diseases. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Visioning and conceptualizing the Brief

Hope to see the group soon so I can get on with my planning works for their 5 acres of land.

Visioning Exercise

  1. How it started (History)
  2. Taking Stock • Current Situation • Current achievement
  3. Visioning
  4. Establishing objective and milestone – Where, Who do what, when why and How
  5. Site Understanding
  6. Establishing Schedule of Accommodation (SOA)
  7. Establishing timeline
  8. Brief formulation
  9. Establishing Resources needed
  10. Signing of Vision Statement
Nothing happened as the meeting never materialised.

The Next phase of Organic Farming – The 5 acre site

We had a great lunch with a friend of Will's mother. He is a Pontiac residence and had remained so. He knew the place well and he is a source of information, provided us with advice and suggestion which makes planning much simpler.
At the oldest coffee shop at Pontian

Friday, March 13, 2015

Holistic Living

Perhaps holistic living could be the answer to one form of alternative living. The way to holistic living would have to deal with the material and the immaterial aspect of the person. The material aspect would be that of the physical composition of the person, his body and his mind. Food and Diet, exercises as well becomes crucial.
The other immaterial aspects would include the psychological and the social aspect which could impact the health of the physical body. Meditation, positive outlook and a happy disposition becomes crucial.
The environment is another factor which would impact the person as a clean, natural, unpolluted environment will definitely enhance both the physiological and psychological well being of the person.
Creating such an environment perhaps is the solution to holistic living.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Painting and Drawing with my son

It was a great blue day when we cross over to Johor, ate at my favourite restaurant (Dragon-i), had noodles and some double boil soup. Lawrence picked us up at the Levi entrance of the City Square mall. It is good to have a Nokia with GPS and the great apps, Photosynth. Yiyu had his Fuji X-M1 while I was without a pocket camera since my Canon S100 got its lens stuck. Canon S100 was a good camera to own as it has a GPS and every shot will be Geotag. However, battery will drain fast. I always had 2 spare batteries whenever I travel with it for documenting my journey. Well, Nokia with Photosynth apps serve me well too except the quality of the images cannot beat those taken by the S100.
We were here to create some art pieces for the Organic Farm set up by Lawrence and Will (and another partner which we had not met). The concept is amazing and needed to be tested. They had good results and they are looking forward to plan and bring their idea to the next stage. They will upgrade to the 5 acres land along Jalan Kukup Laut (95).
We arrived at their test-bed half acres land, had a little coffee and got down to work. The idea we had was to create a series of painting using water color, fountain pen and photoshop. The final output will be digital and the size can be adjusted during printing to suit the space at their rest house. Although it is an organic farm, art would play a part in creating an aesthetic environment that would stimulate the mind and the spirit.

The project was conceived with a methodical process of collaborative art creation. First Yiyu will photograph and investigate the farm and the interview the people involved in setting up the farm and planting the vegetables and fruits. He will document what he sees and I will then do a quick painting with watercolour on watercolour paper. After it dries, he will draw over the painting, inputting his interpretation, as a layer over my painting. Thereafter we intend to scan it into the computer and add colours to them.
Here are the unfinished works which are yet to be scanned into the computer.